The HIT5000H2 is built on the Coats HIT5000 platform…adapted to handle the unique Hutchinson run-flat inserts it can accommodate a tube or tubeless tires with rim diameters of 15” to 38”  (38 to 96cm) max tire diameter – 76” (193 cm) max tire width – 25” + (63 cm) with an electric specification of – 220v/1ph; 220v/3 PHS, 50 or 60 Hz and no air required

The HIT5000H2 consists of all items in the HIT5000 plus additional tooling to assist in the change of Hutchinson run-flats found in class 3 armored including the LAV iii, stryker. also used on MRAPs and HUMVEE

Developed in coordination with general dynamics (UK) general dynamics build an assortment of nato armored vehicles used worldwide
HIT5000H2 is supplied per every group of 25 LAV iii vehicles shipped to Saudi Arabia

HIT5000H2 is a very flexible machine, portable (versus permanently installed) can handle medium and HD trucks/buses, as well as normal truck tire applications, maintenance is very low and very basic tools/knowledge is needed its also made in the USA

Hutchinson run-flats are used by a majority of wheeled fighting vehicles HMMWVs (humvees), LAVs, strykers, MRAPs, boxers, piranhas


Other Extraction Methods


  • Attaching a strap to the run-flat and cranking it out of the tire by hand with the potential to snap the strap or send the run-flat flying across the shop. It could also take up to 30-60 min per tire. Highly dangerous method!
  • Hutchinson stationary press – permanently installed, will only handle the Hutchinson assemblies machine cost 2-3x times the HIT5000H2, More on that here
TOMAD International